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OCT 18, 2025


Urban Bourbon Half Marathon and 5K

The Spirit of Racing is Alive and Well

Since our Urban Bourbon Half Marathon and 5K is meant for those age 21 or older, you must be at least 21 on race day to register.

Training Partners

Meet our Training Partners:


UofL Health – Sports Medicine is the official medical partner for the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon.  Their expert team of certified athletic trainers, physical therapists, and specialized sports medicine primary care and orthopedic providers will be on hand race day to take care of all your medical needs.  UofL Health – Sports Medicine offers the area’s leading sports medicine physicians and orthopedics, advanced diagnostics, UofL Health – Frazier Rehab Institute, and the Sports Medicine Urgent Care.

Professional, collegiate, and high school athletes, weekend warriors and those who have an “athletic mindset” can take advantage of the expertise of our specialized care. Our board-certified sports medicine physicians treat a wide variety of injuries and illnesses. They know how to get you safely back to optimal fitness and ready to compete. Call 502-63-SPORT (77678) and talk with a member of the UofL Health – Sports Medicine team for more information or to schedule an appointment. Be sure to ask about their Runner’s Edge performance program.

Click HERE for a PDF of our 2024 Training Guide.

As our official running store partner, Fleet Feet is once again offering its training expertise and pace groups to our Urban Bourbon Half Marathon participants.

In August 2024, Fleet Feet will kick off a training program for anyone who would like to train in preparation for this year’s race.

For additional information about training programs, group runs, demo events, or to help with pacing, please go to the Fleet Feet Louisville website or reach out to  Myrdin Thompson, Fleet Feet Louisville Training Program Director at myrdin.thompson@fleetfeet.com or Erin Getz, Fleet Feet Louisville Operating Partner at erin.bailey@fleetfeet.com.

Pace Groups

Want a little help during the race? Pace Groups will be available during the 2024 Urban Bourbon Half Marathon.

Why would you want to run with a pacer? A pacer can help you achieve your goals, and have FUN; whether the goal is a personal record, or simply to cross the finish line. The Pace Group Leaders are experienced runners, chosen based on their previous running and/or pacing performances, and know what it takes to hold a steady pace and provide a great race experience. Below are a few highlights of the program.

• Participation is FREE to all participants; just show up on race morning and find your pace group.

• There will be pace groups for the following times: 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 2:40, 2:50 and 3:00.

• You can meet the Pace Group Leaders at packet pick-up and ask questions.

• To meet up with the Pace Group Leaders on race day, look for the “Pace Time” signs in the starting area. Try to meet up with your pace group at least 15 minutes before the start of the race.

• Five to 10 minutes before the start, the Pace Group Leaders will give their final instructions. This is another great opportunity for you to ask questions.

We want you to run your own race. If you feel great on race day, and you want to go ahead and catch the next group, we’ll cheer you on. If it’s not your day, slow down and wait for the group behind you.

Click HERE to meet this year’s pacers.